Maisie's 2nd Birthday

We had a great day celebrating Maisie's 2nd birthday! We went to a breakfast party in the morning, played outside, ride bikes, went home for long naps and then had dinner out with our family. Heff got her a giant bunny balloon and tied it to her crib in the morning before she woke up- I wish I had a picture but her face lit up when she saw it. I think she had a pretty good birthday!

Emmy came with us in the morning for a breakfast party at our friend's house and Francie had to bring her two-wheeler

Nothing says birthday like streamers and bubbles!!

They had a whole table set up with our favorites- Mickey and Toy Story plates!

Maisie got right to the Egg Hunt

But big sister Francie was the champion egg finder of the day

Maisie ready for "cake" (she wanted pink cake, a pink birthday and bunnies this year- she got two out of three :)

Funny Faces of Maisie Moo

Emmy gave her a REAL Buzz Lightyear toy- she was SOO excited. Buzz joined for breakfast

and "2" pancakes!

She is getting to be such a big girl- and talking non-stop all of the sudden!

Counting their eggs and loot

Second child = not used to all the attention on them

Maisie got a cool green planting kit we "dug" right into :)

Let's watch these grow- just about as fast as you are growing Maise!

My girls :)

Then we had dinner out at Chef Chu's with Jannie, Grampa and Uncle Jerry. We had 8pm reservations after our late nap times so Jer could meet us after his class. I love closing down the restaurant on a Tuesday night for a two year olds birthday!

Shirley Temple's in spill proof cups and a new record player from Jannie ("kinda like a iPod- yes Francie" ;)

a Maisie masterpiece photo of me and sweet Janie

Jer and Daddy

Happy Birthday to You!

Great shot of the group leaving - nice pose Francie no-pants!

Happy Birthday Maisie Moo :)