Happy Easter 2011!

Easter was a busy day- church at 9:15 which was PACKED, a neighborhood egg hunt, friends over for an egg hunt at our house after, naps and a family easter party at Jannie and Grampa's complete with a friendly competition of course :) It was also my sister Baby Ann's 25th birthday - we missed her but were thinking of her!

We went to mass in the morning and then walked over to our neighborhood Egg Hunt in the alley across the street (it took living here for like six months before I realized none of the houses across the street have garages- they all park in an alley access between the two streets, easy for block parties for sure)

The girls were excited and Donald, Brian, Kat and I had to-go beers/mimosas so we weren't complaining either

under 5's got to go first

egg hunters

Then we had our own little egg hunt at home

Francie was way into how many she could collect

Then naps for the babes and over to Jannie and Grampa's for family fun

The Doverspikes stayed through Sunday night with us- always fun to have them!

O.D. the Little Man in the pram!

and I just have to document that although I failed to ever get all three girls in their easter dress at the same time I did have them in triplicate!! This was Francie's First Easter dress and I had the bigger sizes from Le Cirque sale :) Didn't know I'd need all three this year!

2008 - Francie!

and while we are walking down Easter's memory lane… had to repost this CREEPY BUNNY from 2009 while we were waiting for Maisie to show up a few days later! France was not a fan- would you have been?!

back to this year Jannie with Maisie and RB- Maise was a little under the weather with an ear infection - luckily she had her new quilt "blankie" Jannie made for her to snuggle under all night. She has barely let it go since! It says "Love and Stiches and Lots of Kisses" embroidered on it, love it Jannie!

John and John- kind of dressed alike but definitely not alike in the hair style department.

Heff was cold when the sun went down and grabbed a sweatshirt from the pizza oven stash- it said XL but might have been a youth XL?! :)

My Dad and Ella looking cute by the BBQ

Cousin James and UJ being silly

and this year the infamous EGG DROP contest was back! The entries were impressive this year- people are getting too good with 6 out of 10 staying intact when dropped from the 3rd floor balcony. Jerry and John were putting an entry together at the last minute… hum this one might have been a big zero.

other entries…

Francie liked Uncle James giant water balloon the best but claimed two other entries so she was sure to get a winner somewhere

Group shot- Jannie has her clipboard ready to take entries for the big drop!

Let the games begin

here they come…

Ducky and Francie entered the PWT toilet paper in solo cups with duck tape and a Kmarty bag parachute-

it worked! Francie held it up and said "AAhhhh! The egg is IN TACKED!"

spectators had to step back

Mr. Jerry Easter all decked out as usual - too bad his egg cracked!

and the finale…

in motion, and SPLAT.

time for cake- how cute is this bunny cake Kim and Ella made?! Love the laffy tacky ears

I hope both sides of our families keep up the baby-having so we always have infant seats up on the tables at parties!

"What?! I like being the baby!"

Happy Easter Breads!