Janie's First Rodeo

Friday night we went up to Red Bluff for the Rodeo! One of our favorite weekends in Red Bluff. We got up there Friday around 2pm - hung around the house with Opa for awhile and then went to a Fish Fry (Friday in Lent) at the Catholic School, picked up the Flynn girls and then hit the fairgrounds for Friday Night Rodeo. The girls made it through the whole thing!

First some dress up at Oma and Opa's house

Funny girl Maisie in a get-up she picked of course

Presenting Princess Francie

Janie being cute and giving lots of smiles lately!

My little buddy and godson Oliver on the tailgate- I mean how adorable is this kid!?

Proud parents Kat & Donald :)

Maisie had been taking a power nap in the truck so we made the tailgate our fish fry party with Kristie and the Flynn kids

Janie isn't so sure about all this yet

Francie found some turkey hunting decoys and was pretty happy

and then she found our big girls Madeline and Eva got to ride next to her and was besides herself - in awe of these beautiful, well-mannered ladies! (so are we :)

Cowgirl Up

Madeline reminded me that people watching is the best part of the Rodeo- this year did NOT disappoint! Especially with our we-didn't-plan-ahead bleacher seats

Dad and The Moo watching horses cross the track - "Daddy! A BA!!!"

Cowbells for cheering on the cowboys

Grandstands (hey- who wants to sit in box seats anyway? Last time we were there a bull jumped the fence and knocked people into the ring with his horns!!)

Pretty happy to watch the action

Red Bluff Rodeo - it's kind of a big deal

Maisie can't take her eyes off the bulls

Family shot after the rodeo

Heff and four of his favorite girls (could have had all six if Janie and I hadn't been taking the picture!) :)

"Where's my corndog?"

Oliver making the rounds in the Crown Royal tent after the events ended, he's a popular guy

too dark but Kat and I with our babies - what a fun night!

We would hav been back Saturday and Sunday to soak in as much bull riding-calf-roping-wld-horse-racing action as we could but we had to head back to Menlo Saturday morning to co-host a shower with Jannie and John for our friends Ryan and Eloise- back in the truck for some forced family fun in carseats!