Welcome Baby Caroline!

Mark and Sarah welcomed a baby girl yesterday!! Clara Marie is now a big sister to Caroline Jean Heffernan. She arrived 12 days early and Sarah was a champ with a pretty quick and easy labor - they are already home and had us over for dinner tonight! (Thanks to Oma's yummy cooking) That makes the Heffernan grandchild total 8 girls and 3 boys (9 of the 11 are age three and younger) with one more on the way for Craig and Andrea due at the end of July. The baby madness continues :) We are thrilled to have another Bay Area GIRL cousin of course!!

Clara getting some special time with her mom- who looks fantastic for having a baby half a day before this!

Caroline is a BEAUTY - long dark eyelashes (even though by comparison Clara's were crazy long), pretty eyebrows already! and everyone says you look like your daddy

here was Mark's baby picture Oma dug up -I'd say so!

and even taking after her dad and uncles at 12 hours old?! ;)

Caroline has a pretty cute bib sis to look up to!

Oma kept my big girls in the waiting room while I took Clara and my camera in to meet the baby :) Francie was a little miffed she couldn't pass as a sibling and sneak in but go to meet the baby later tonight :)