Janie's First Bath

March 1 Janie had her first official bath- 10 days old might be a little late blooming on the first bath thing but newborns smell so good and stay pretty clean don't they!? and maybe the third child thing contributed to that- a little less novelty and more utility involved in giving a baby their first bath. But the girls loved helping and the sink in their bathroom (we put in hoping there would be a new baby to bathe in it at some point!) was perfect with a little foam frog under her. The bath ended promptly when Francie poured a cup of water from the spout on Janie and I didn't realize until she screamed bloody murder it was ice cold water! Sorry Janie. Other than that she loved her first bath (AND the subsequent ones since then :)

Big helpers… being silly

She really was happy for most of the bath- despite her mad-mad-Janie face in these pictures… she was probably trying to tell me to put down my camera and protect her from the icy cold waterfall coming her way

All clean! but probably thinking "I'm glad they got me out of there…"

Thanks for helping Jannie! I don't think you've missed a first bath yet :)