Mexican Dinner

I forgot I had these pictures and they never made it on the blog :) We went to Casa Lupe a few weeks ago when Janie was 3 weeks old for our first real family dinner out with just the five of us. It was great besides a) Maisie being a stinker and picking her nose in pictures like the top one b) Francie making Grumpy-McGrumps faces and c) Maisie spilling an entire tall glass of cold ice water right INTO the carseat while Janie was sleeping in it! And of course she had already gone through my spare diaper bag outfit that day so she was in a onesie and hoodie the rest of dinner. But the Margaritas made it all worth it!

yup- that glass all over her and the carseat

Little Stinker #1

Little Stinker #2

Little Stinker #3 (not- she's still perfect :)

looks like we're in for lots more of these very unpeaceful, not-relaxing, crazy family dinners with our little stinkers to come - we're not complaining!