Kaky's Song - and a "One Shot!" Video by Singer/Songwriter Molly

Our good friend Molly Coogan wrote and sang an incredible song as a tribute to Kaky before she died - we all still listen to "Kaky's Song" often but rarely without tears. We were, and still are, in awe of what Molly created for Kaky and the gift she gave us by writing, singing and producing this song.

(press play and keep reading :)

Molly is in NYC and an incredible actress, singer and songwriter. She is on a mission to create a music video for one of her fabulous songs with her good friend and movie producer Liam Brady. They are challenging themselves to create a first-rate music video in ONE SHOT and need our help... watch their great video explaining and if you want to support Molly just CLICK HERE to Kickstart their goal!

And thanks Molly- for such a beautiful and FUN reminder of Kaky who was ALWAYS so much fun.

Background on Molly and the Song (from a blog post two years ago)...

The Coogan's are all dear family friends and Molly's mom Anne has been right there with Kaky through a lot of her battle. We've shared a lot of great times with their family from when their dear grandpa met Kaky, fell in love with her and tried to set Kaky up with their son (right before she met Rich!) to our tea parties at Lovejoy's, family events, holidays and lots of shared laughs. It is an incredible tribute that Molly was so moved to write, produce and sing this song with her band members.

The story behind the song... when Kathy and Anne Coogan were alone recently at the hospital, she asked her what she was most afraid of? Kathy paused for just a moment and said, " That I will miss all the fun". Anne replied, "You are not going to miss a thing." And with such a level of calmness and assurance she said... "I know." After Anne shared this story with Molly, Molly said she "couldn't get the fact that she didn't want to miss all the fun out of my head." We can't get this beautiful song out of our head Molly. Thank you.

  • * * * * * KAKY'S SONG ~ BY MOLLY COOGAN * * * * * * * * *

Maybe I'm not ready to go
but you're - standing at my door
And the sun's going down and the waves are rolling in
Right across my shore

But, what if there's a party down the street
What about all the new people I could meet
and the stories we could tell and the laughter that we share
Oh, none of this seems to be fair

So don't make me go til the last glass is poured
Until everyone's asleep
And the lights are all turned out and the band is gone away
Oh, why won't you let me stay
'cause what if I'm gone before it's all begun
I don't wanna miss all the fun

When I sail across the wide eternal sea
When they carry me home will I still be me
Will my laughter still ring out
Will you hear me shout
That I am finally free
Will my memories still keep all my pictures of you
Will all my thoughts stay the same
And years after all of this is through
Will you still remember my name

So don't make me go til the last glass is poured
Until everyone's asleep
And the lights are all turned out and the band is gone away
Oh, why won't you let me stay
'cause what if I'm gone before it's all begun
I don't wanna miss all the fun

I don't need any parting gifts
I know my send-off will be grand
Let's just keep telling jokes and smiling hard
and never let go of my hand
Because each and every morning the grass will still be green
Mary will still glow and the dishes will get cleaned
And when your pouring tea into my favorite cup
I'll be off somewhere else living it up

So thanks for giving me the last big pour
I'd love to dance with you and drink some more
But the lights have all gone out and the bands no longer play
but I'm not really going far away

And I know it's only just begun. I'm so glad I had so much fun.

Yes, I know it's only just begun. I'm so glad I had so much fun.


Sarah, Jannie and Molly Coogan Dec 2007

and at Lovejoy's for Tea with Anne Coogan
"And the stories we could tell and the laughter that we share..."
You make us all laugh like this Kaky :) We love you.

and I remembered this video of Francie who had heard me play Kaky's Song so many times she knew all the words...

just CLICK HERE to donate to Molly and Liam- any little bit helps and you even get a souvenir reward for your donation in any amount!