Leaving Lousiana

Our New Orleans trip came to an end Saturday- We had brunch on Saturday morning at Broussards and then did some sight seeing before heading to the airport- the flight home was a little more eventful, getting us home at 3:30am but we made it and are still talking about what an incredible weekend we had in New Orleans with the Skidmores.

Jen and Heff with the girls at brunch. Nice face Francie ;)

Simo's at brunch


Ann and Pat

After brunch we went on a carriage ride through town. We'd been trying to fit this in all weekend and I don't know who was more excited- Jannie or the girls

Jannie, Francie and Maisie sporting shades

Horses? Nope it's a mule! (they all are pulling carriages- our guide says they tolerate the heat and humidity better)

Janie's first ride

Giving the mule "Cash" treats after our ride

The Heff's taking on the town - skateboarding stroller on cobblestone streets and all

My brother and brother-in-law

Jackson Square

after lunch Heff took the girls swimming and I escaped to lunch with my mom, Jer, Ann and Pat before the left for the airport

So we left NOLA on a 7pm flight and changed planes in LAX. On the runway to SFO the pilot says SF is closed due to rain so we sit for almost two hours… get to SFO at 1am and our stroller/carseat don't come out for gate check. They tell us to go to baggage and then announce the cargo door has mechanical problem and they can't get it open… we WAIT and WAIT until 3AM for our bags! Girls were troopers and it could have been worse but we were so happy to be in our beds at 3:30am (5:30 new orleans time)