Jen & Zach Get Married! (Part I)

Wow, what a weekend! We all went to New Orleans, Louisiana to celebrate my oldest and "first" friend Jen Skidmore's wedding to a great guy- Zach Neeley. The Skidmores are like family- our parents met in Lamaze class pregnant with me and Jen and we have grown up together. Heff and I both said it was really the most incredible wedding we have ever been to. The Skidmore's sure know how to do things right and they thought of everything to make everyone feel right at home in New Orleans. We flew in Tuesday night- the parties started Wednesday and didn't stop until Saturday… I'll let the photos speak for themselves… in multiple posts since I took so many :) Congrats Jen and Zack and thanks for bringing us all together for a real New Orleans experience to celebrate your wedding!

We left SFO Tuesday night on a direct flight to NOLA. We arrived at 11:30pm and took a shuttle bus to the Hotel- pretty easy trip considering we had two lap babies and a 3 year old!

Wednesday morning we ventured out for lunch - we stayed in the French Quarter at the Hotel Monteleone and were in walking distance to almost everything. We had breakfast on the sidewalk and the girls lost their minds over the horses/mules pulling carts by every few minutes. I downed two Bloody Mary's - TG for not being pregnant in NOLA!

It was 80+ degree weather so we spent some time at the rooftop pool- Francie claims she "learned to swim"

and caught naps when we could - the girls were troopers and went along with our five day party schedule as best they could! Francie had a pull out couch but preferred to sleep right on top.

Getting ready for party #1 - a Crawfish Boil on Wednesday evening.

Ann and Jen had every detail done so beautifully- down to this artist's map of the city with all of the places we would visit for events and explanations of what to expect/wear for everything!

Isn't Janie getting big already?! ;) She was a little mad here getting dolled up for a party but for the most part she was GREAT the whole trip- she started sleeping at night! The past five nights she has slept all night, just waking up once or twice to nurse and going right back down which is a HUGE improvement :) (maybe I need to make Hurricane's and Jambalaya part of my day at home??) Keep it up kid.

Thanks to our little book I read we should wear bright colors to the Crawfish Broil so we happily obliged

Walking with the crowd to the Crawfish Broil - it was an authentic Nawlins event with delicious food and a great night to meet and reconnect with all the friends and family

Maisie had the funniest face every time she saw a "BA!" in the street

Arriving at the Oyster House and let the party begin...

My parents and Jerry got there Wednesday night too (Ann and Pat came in the next morning) which made it all the more fun to celebrate -

Look at the cute Crawfish kissing! The artist did all of these little drawings for the wedding- a really neat touch.

Father-of-the-Bride, Earl, giving a cute toast…

My first friend :) love you Jen!

The Bride and Groom excited for what's still to come!

Rehearsal Dinner up next...