
Monday I had a non-stress test at the hospital (baby still looks great- nothing to report!) so Heff came home early to hang out with his girls. He texted me on my way home they were walking down the the Nature Preserve to fly airplanes so I met them down there (after I heard them from our back porch) They built the little wooden planes and were shooting them off in the clearings. I'm not sure who had more fun ;)

Maisie had seen a real live bunny rabbit hop into a pile of wood and was SO excited to tell me about it she could hardly contain herself. She spent the next hour searching for the "nun-nyy!"

while her sister (looking special in her helmet, skirt and hiking boots :) flew airplanes with Dad. Enjoying this 70+ degree weather while it lasts!

and pulling her skirt up was the other activity for the walk apparently

She does this…

and it sticks! (I'll go warn her about crossing her eyes next)

"Mine turn!" says Maisie

They were the fancy planes with rubber bands to torque up and go- Heff got a little over ambitious and we left we two popped rubber bands but after 20+ flights I think they loved their expected life

Go get it!

Does this face say "Oh crap my airplane is stuck way up in that tree" or what!?

oh well off to the next activity… and is it just me or does she look like such a big girl all of the sudden?

So does my Maisie Moo-

checking out the gardens on the walk home

Riding her bike home- even uphill! She's really good at balancing on it now… just took a little practice

See ya! That's my Maisie :)