Life at Home with Three

This picture pretty much sums up our first three days at home ~ sleeping, eating good food from family cooks and drinking champagne/wine together to celebrate! We had Oma here until Tuesday morning, Kat, Oliver and Uncle Ducky Sunday-Tuesday, Jannie every free minute we could get her, my dad when he wasn't preparing for the trial he's in, Emmy most afternoons for pictures and hanging out and lots of sibling and friends love too. Thanks for all the help and company! We've had no less than 6-10 people for dinner every night and no shortage of good food- thanks especially to Oma and Jannie for the around the clock granddaughter/daughter/son love.

Emily, Lucy, Jannie, Oma and Francie getting snacks ready for the troops and popping champs for the afternoon

Maisie loves "holding" babies! Here with Janie (3 days) and Lucy (5 months)

Double Doll strollers are good for tiny kids too

Assuming my favorite position (Maisie took this)

Swaddled and a rare moment of not being in someone's arms

See not everything in our house is pink ;)

Aunt Mimi, Uncle Andy and Cousin Drew came over from Aptos for some baby snuggling

Jannie and Francie decorated the gate with "It's A Girl" balloons

Oma getting a good laugh out of a near-miss "ear fetish" from Maisie (we already have one of those in the family right Izzy?!) Maisie was naming all of Oliver's body parts while he patiently played along. And seriously how big is this little cowboy!? 4 months old and about as big as Maisie

Exhibit B

Christian spoiling Janie with my favorite BonPoint outfit ever in her store (Heff goes - please tell me that's not cashmere?! At least he learns quickly!)

Trying the flowergirl dresses on for Jen and Zach's wedding we are all lucky enough to attend in three weeks! How many adults does it take to get Maisie's head through the right hole?

Jannie holding Janie - love these newborn gowns!!

We're so lucky to have you home with us Janie! You are a sweet little baby so far and a good excuse for a week-long family event of food and festivities :) Now off in a quiet house to take a nap...