Going Home

Saturday morning we got Janie's 24-hour blood draw to check her bilirubin level and she passed so we were cleared to go home! Oma and Jannie took the girls to the Palo Alto Children's Museum that morning and then brought them to the hospital to visit so we were all there to pack up and head home. Maisie was having a bit of a fit as it was past her naptime by the time we got out of there - so we were those people carrying a screaming toddler out of the maternity halls, scaring all the new moms. Jannie had the girls in tattoo-style "I love MOM" outfits for me, love them Jannie ;)

We got the wagon to haul all the bags but of course the girls wanted to ride in it- then Heff had to carry Maisie so it was just Francie riding like the queen! :) Little stinker pointed at me when I walked out of the room and goes "Ahhhh- why is there still a big belly?" Thanks Francie ;)

In her new grey JanKnits and trying out the binky for the first time (the reason Maisie lost it! I better try a different kind for this kid!) and you can tell it's the third child- she is going home in her hospital issued t-shirt!

Francie had to buckle her new doll in too- this one is named "Plussy" not sure about that one. (Maisie rode with Jannie and Oma, she knew there was a binky in Jannie's car!)

Welcome home MaryJane!