Family of FIVE!

Heff and his little harem of girls :) When Janie was born and we heard "It's a GIRL!" Heff said - "Three girls is awesome!" We are loving our time with Janie- the girls were so cute when they met her. They both got their own dolls and jumped right on the bed with me. There was a little scuff over who got to hold the baby first- Maisie pouted. But Francie took her turn quickly and then Maisie relished in feeling like a big sister and didn't want to give up Baby Janie. I miss my big girls but they are in very good hands with Oma AND Jannie. Here are a few more shots of the girls meeting their sister!

The Biggest Sister loving her new role of course

Maisie and Janie

Just hanging out with our babies :)