It's February!!!

Month 2 - Year 11 is here... since 211 has always ben my lucky number (admittedly a weird lucky number) it sounds like a great time to have a baby :) I am officially due in 11 days, it's so fun to get to the point where people ask you when you are due and you can say "next Friday." I know I've probably got the better part of this month to wait it out but I love going to bed every night thinking "I COULD go into labor tonight!"

I have a doctor's appointment and a non-stress test today so we'll see if he thinks there are any signs of an early baby or if this one will be way overdue like Maisie (Francie was 4 days early c-section since she was breech and didn't turn- Maisie was 9 days late and a successful VBAC but just under the wire!)

We are so excited to meet this new baby- Heff and I both still think it's a girl but he is always right and I am always wrong so one of us is about to break our streak. We have names picked out (they've changed recently!) and really have nothing else ready (no carseats in cars, no bags packed for hospital, no room ready for baby, no clothes washed and folded :) but we'll figure it out. It's going to be strange to have a newborn again- but I can't wait to find out who you are little baby!

Wanna Guess?! (and no cheating this time Beth Carter and entering a new guess after the baby is born :)

and I can't do a post without a picture- here is a random shot of Maisie hugging the China-man thing Uncle James gave Heff for Christmas in the "$5 gift exchange"- she spends all day giving this guy high fives and hugging him. HOPEFULLY she'll hug the new baby like this and not kick it off my lap for her throne back!