Tis the Season

A quick re-cap on our December so far... as you can see FISBEE (our friendly Elf on a Shelf) showed up for the third year in a row. Man I love this guy! He flys home to Santa every night, reports the good and bad behavior and then comes to a new spot in our house every morning for the girls to find him. Someone (not me- maybe Heff ;) is very good at remembering this every morning!

We still have the tantrums, bad behavior and oops around here...

but on the 9th day of Christmas Fisbee left a little early reminder that it's the Christmas season - he left 9 Christmas books on the mantel for the girls to pick at bedtime for the next 9 nights. (I saw this idea on another blog- of course that mom did 24 books and hand wrapped every one with a note from their elf - I clicked on her amazon suggestions, opened the box on the doorstep and threw them on the mantel this morning. Other blog mom wins.)

I'm still cranking away at Bumble (when does this restaurant business get easier!!?) but Emmy is such a rockstar with the girls in the mornings!!!

They take Ariel and "Mersa" (Maisie's favorite doll who she is usually pretend-nursing) to the park

and play house with them. Emmy is the grandma. (Francie told Maisie she was the dad and Maisie goes "I'm not a boy!" and Francie said "Well you look like one with that haircut.") tears followed

Francie has one more day of preschool for the semester. She is still bringing home at least 3 rainbow paintings a day. and dressing herself complete with accessories, as you can see

Cousin Kate is working at Le Cirque so we get to see a lot of her which is a treat for us! She comes down at least once a week and makes the girls "cocktails" and paints their nails.

She also helped merchandise the shelves at Bumble for a little holiday shopping!

We sold out of these "chew beads" for mom's with teething babies to wear in a few days! Such great gifts... Buy them here!

We had sushi dinner with friends and JJ sat at the big kids table!

Francie and Maisie were invited to an ELEVEN year olds birthday party on Sunday in SF at Lovejoy's. It was a pretty big deal :) (thanks Hannah!)

Francie helped me dye pasta one night at Bumble for craft projects in the playroom. We were pretty proud of our rubbing alcohol and food coloring brightness (and she loved the rainbow obvi)

In the spirit of the season- we painted the kitchen. AGAIN. It was red (like the color around the switch plate). Heff said this was the first thing he remembers liking when we saw this house. When he was in Alaska I kind of accidentally painted it pale blue (it was supposed to be green-ish). No one really liked it. So we went back to red- but it's a "much better red" :)

We decorated the tree (as in planned to have a family night putting ornaments on it and drinking hot chocolate by the fire. but what ACTUALLY happened - Heff threw the lights on including one strand of Shotgun Shell lights Kat gave us as kind-of-a-joke and I questioned keeping up with the other strand on our whole living room tree? so he quit putting stuff on it and Emmy and the girls threw some ornaments on one morning. the rest are strewn around the living room. Same result kinda right? ;)

Emmy took these hilarious pictures in the cute Shigo-hand-me-down PJ's that say "Santa.. I can explain"

My little elves trying to get a Christmas card photo for Oma and Opa (I won't give too much away!)

Tis the Season! Now to start our Christmas shopping....