
Christmas morning was so much fun with three little girls! Maisie woke up first and went and found Heff and curled up on his lap. He said "I wonder if Santa came?" and she said "Prob-we not. Or maybe he prob-we brought me wain-deer poop. GaGa said he being me wain-deer poop." Poor second child :) But Santa did come and brought both girls shiny new pink bikes. Maisie is still a little tall for hers (Heff had the bike store guy take off the pedals and gears so it's a scoot bike for now but will grow into a real pedal bike when she is ready) and Janie got a little white puppy dog who barks and walks. Stockings had art supplies and there were a few princess items under the tree too (the biggest hits of the morning were the gifts they gave each other - a princess tent from Maisie to Francie and a princess night light/singing music box from Francie to Maisie. I didn't take any pictures all morning- it was too much fun to just sit back and soak it up.

Then we hosted Christmas Day at our house with my parents, siblings and Big Uncle Jerry. A small affair for our family!

random assortment of snacks -ready for company

Heff got a big Prime Rib for dinner and cooked it on the spit on the BBQ for 4 hours. It turned out great.

Presents with my family. I got Pat in the draw and gave him an Auburn garden gnome and as a gift for HIM and to get back at my sister for selling out and piercing her ears at 25 - a beautiful pair of lapis shell big ole Auburn earrings! You better wear those ABA!

Francie wearing a Dorthy costume, Maisie trying out her new doctor set in her Elmo PJs and Janie still in her pajamas from last night at 4pm- pretty good day!

the aftermath - and reminds me we need to hang those pictures on the wall (they've been sitting there for at least a month- shocking they haven't been stepped on and broken yet!0

guys watching football in the back-to-red kitchen! (and playing with James' new wide angle lens)

Prime Rib a cookin!

Big girls playing with toys in their room (with new twin beds)

Arte Italica table set - our favorite Christmas cards all over the wall to admire - ready… set…