Carter-Simo Christmas

Thursday night we celebrated the Annual Carter-Simo Christmas dinner at the Carter's house. We grew up next to Ryan, Beth and Jill who were in the grades right in between me, James and Jerry (Baby Ann is infamous for scratching Bethy from her carseat in carpool:) Ryan and his wife Kim are here from Philly with their triplet boys Danny, Drew and Dylan. We took the girls home before the Left-Right-Center competiton got too heated - it was a fun night!

ABA (who just flew in this afternoon with Pat!) and her god-daughter JJ!

Three Heff Girls and Three Carter Boys!

Georgia is on it- all the gifts are wrapped! (as I sit here procrastinating wrapping mine)

Jer always thinking- dressed up for the occasion in the EXACT outfit he wore everyday for two years in 4th-5th grade. A Pearl Jam shirt that says "9 out of 10 kids prefer crayons to guns" - plaid board shorts and high top sneakers. We teased him endlessly about that shirt - he found the replica on eBay :)

Jannie and the big girls

Jerry (in his dinner attire), Jill, Ann and Pat laughing at the old junior high photos of us - the spouses all got good laughs at our awkwardness!

Ready for dinner - pretty table Carter girls!

Dinner shots - can you tell we all had a little wine? :)

The Carpool - since 1989

and with spouses! (Jer and Jill being good sports and looking like a cute couple :)

all the girls

Beth and Greg's Rehearsal Dinner posted that made it through DTPA bar scene and the wedding day golf course - and who knows where else!
