New Baby Nolan

I got to go to Packard Thursday to meet 24 hour old new baby Nolan Charles Longhurst! He arrived on 11-30-11 and was 8 pounds and 13 ounces. My good friend Emily has Lucy (14 months!) and we've been anxiously awaiting Nolan's arrival (Nolan is her maiden name- so cool!) I was there for Emily and her husband Chris' first date and met Lusy a few hours after she was born when I was at the hospital anyway for Janie's ultrasound or something- and felt very privileged to meet the new addition. Congrats Emily, Chris and Big Sister Lucy!

Emily looking way to put together to have just had a baby

All BLUE - It's a BOY!

Proud Parents

Emily checking out her new son while Dad watches from the background

Chris and Nolan

Emily (in my favorite Dear Johnnie gown she borrowed :)

Sweet Baby Cheeks

I tried to get a picture of "the yawn" like last time
Nolan and Dad

Lucy and Dad (October 2010!)

Big hands

Congrats Longhurst Family (we'll get Lucy in the picture next time- she is still getting used to this I-am-only-1-and-I-have-a-brother idea)

let the craziness begin!