Bahamas Beach Babes

We have been soaking up the sun in the Bahamas and spending lots of time on the beach! Heff and the girls and I are playing on the sandbars, riding jet skis, snorkeling and lots of hanging out on deck reading books, playing with magnatiles and coloring (not so different than home- minus the sunshine and the view!) The favorite activities: Janie- eating sand, smiling and crawling in the waves. Maisie- staying dry and clean (washing her hands in the waves a million times) on shore. and Francie- paddle-boarding, snorkeling, jet skiing and tubing- she's loving the water sports (maybe didn't get my genes after all? :) We love the beach!

Heff and the girls in the life jackets he picked out for them - big hits except they weren't princesses but after being talking into the fact there are no Ariel life jackets safety first ensued

Francie the snorkeler!

Beezer ready to jet ski

Janie in her full body infant life jacket giving me the tired eye- riding in the tender lulls her to sleep every time.

Happy girl in the tiny waves - she would play like this for hours if I didn't try to limit her sand consumption

family of five

my big girls! I didn't think I was in the picture - embarrassing myself trying to get them to "how big is Janie?!"

dancing in the water

JJ trying to get her sisters

look who learned to paddle board!

and you can guess what happened next?

She isn't actually falling in- she is doing a complex vaulting move on the side of a paddle board. so advanced!

just kidding :) but she was quickly saved by Dad and liked the salt water bath :)

more pictures coming!...