Red Bluff October Weekend

A weekend in Red Bluff (my first time leaving Bumble to fend for itself since we opened!), all the in-laws and cousins under one roof for Opa's birthday and my new Canon 5D to chase the kids around with = MY FAVORITE WEEKEND EVER. We had a blast just watching the kids run around, checking out RV's, drinking beers with all the Heffs, hitting the annual Lobster Feed fundraiser Oma helps put on and singing a big HBD to Opa. These kids are so lucky to be a part of all this family fun - as are we :)

only a few screamers ;)

Thats 8 kids 8 and under and 1 Uncle Ducky on a 4-wheeler.

Never gets old

Heff and his middle baby- she's got a few notches around his finger- as evidenced by the Mickey Mouse shirt he wears only for the reaction he gets from Maisie Moo :)

Even cowgirls work on potty training

At least Francie is a little more capable at getting herself out of sticky situations (we've all been giggling at that one :)

Oliver- I mean Donald? I mean Oliver Donald ;) spitting image of his dad!

Kids after my own heart (or dark spot for animals where a heart should be) They squished a blue-belly lizard on a rock and then dissected it's parts- in dresses. I love these girls!

Dress up, dress up, more dress up. Why do I pack clothes for them?

the new bunk-room in the making - much needed for this crowd!

and family room- temporary ruckus room


Friday night dinner for Opa's birthday - the girls decided he wanted a pink cake

my little loves

Francie proudly presenting Opa with a pumpkin she painted for him (and then asked if she could take home with her, but made sure he knew it was "Still for him")

Carriage rides by Heff. Who needs to run when there are kids, hills and a pull cart?! (He got to go camp out on Edwards Ranch Friday night with his Red Bluff friends for some hunting, Coors Light drinking and debauchery so he was paying it back all morning :)

Patrick helping out with a shovel to plant a new tree to remember our angel cousin Elise

Maisie hard at work sandcastle building

Ellie always watching out for the littlest ones

Princess Aurora-Izza on the swings

King Oliver in his new ride- Happy 1st Birthday!

more princesses

Even Patrick gets tricked into dressing up!

cuties -

trying to tell me how old they are

Janie loves to go high-higher-highest! (you can almost see the two bottom toofers that just came in!)

11 grandkids - what fun

Oma got them all the matching outfits this year- good picks!

Silliness and bribed by ring pops after the screaming 2 and under set was put down for naps

Mad faces

cousin love

Francie and Kate tend to be two-peas in a pod when Francie isn't following Ellie around learning the ways of the big sister of the family

Maisie stuck in the middle

Janie does the "SO big!" trick now - I love her face in this picture like "how the heck do you expect me to lift the other hand up?"

feeding the horses

the babes JJ and Caroline

sitting around soaking up the sun while the kids run rough shot

sun, beer, nothing to do (not even dry my crazy hair :). happy me.

and happy kids!

Janie playing in the sandbox toy bin...

Until Francie pointed out I was "breaking the law"

"Who cares! I love this thing!"

Saturday Night we left Craig and Brian to rule the roost over all 11 kids - well 10 kids and babysitter-cousin-extraordinaire ELLIE. Craig was allergic to shellfish and Heff offered to stay home with the troops too but was texting me all night saying "Ellie Rocks!" They had a little bit of a challenge with the baby set but they managed all the kids and let everyone else have a rare night out!

Claire and Cathleen put together this delicious spread of cheese and fruit appetizers

Lobster, artichokes, potatoes, corn on the cob and jumbo shrimp - coming right up!

so good to see Brendon and Kristie!! They were the bartenders for the evening. Blame them for any headaches Sunday morning :)

Kat and her O'Douls! (hummm- non-alcoholic beer? Did I break the news she is pregnant on the blog yet?! so excited for Oliver to be a big brother in the spring)

Only in Red Bluff (if you look closely these two died tangled in telephone wire and were mounted the same way they were found in the ravine - wow :)

The Lobster Feed is the BEST! Before the table looks like this- we all stand up and...

Blurry, date-less, full of lobster and pretty happy!

playing with my camera setting driving home- we had 8 Heffernan adults in one ride- good thing we don't drive small cars!

Thanksgiving crafts in the new family room- Ellie lead the charge with Thanksgiving Sparkle Turkeys

Aunt Andrea made hot cocoa for everyone!

JJ wide awake and happy as a clam- Dad might need that coffee to kick in :)

Halloween'ed up for the trip home

little stinker

My favorite new picture of my trio - and a few outtakes getting it

Too much fun with the cousins!

thanks for a fun weekend Oma - see everyone soon!