Birthday Party at Bumble
/Sunday morning we got to ATTEND a party at Bumble! (usually working too hard on the other side :) It was a Car's the movie theme and pretty awesome- not just saying that :) The girls tolerate Cars as a little recess from the Princess world so they had fun with their buddies and played hard for 4 hours - nothing like a birthday party to wear your kids out!
I mean- check out this cake! Two tiers of "polka dots" and carrot cake made by the talented ladies at Studio Cake in the Willows who do all of our custom theme Bumble birthday cakes!
Cars, hot wheels, race tracks, cars... more cars
Like a moth to a flame - this girl is to arts and crafts
Dad on feeding-Janie-the-squirmer duty while I take pictures
Maisie wore herself out helping to line up the cars
taking a break with the bink and wearing Maisie's necklace (Maisie said she "had to borrow it")
Kale chips, hummus and grapes oh my. (don't worry we threw in gingersnaps to balance the too-healthy-ness)
Heff cracking up at Janie's expressions watching the car speed past her hands and up the loop - old school race tracks were the biggest hit of course!