MaryJane ~ 9 months

Janie turned 9 months old on Friday! Janie Girl you are at such a fun age right now. You have a HUGE smile showing your bottom two teeth and you laugh when you smile sucking all the air in you can. You are a very happy baby and we are so lucky you are a part of our family- you take very well to your baby of the family role and eat up all of the attention.

You are a squirmy little baby but you are long and lean (95% for height usually and 25-50% for weight) and you still wear size 2 newborn swaddler diapers (but so does Maisie right now when she isn't wearing big girl undies so that's not saying much). Most of your clothes are 9-12 months but you pull off some oversized hand-me-downs too :)

You have super blue eyes - like your Opa and your Dad… they look like they might stay blue but your sisters both turned hazel/green so we'll watch to find out.

You have a few party tricks - "How Big is Janie" but you usually answer with one arm up, only sometimes with both. You wave HI and BYE like crazy - especially when you see your Dad. You can clap your hands pretty well too. Here's a wave when you were riding on Beezer

You always curl your left foot when you are sitting - I was a little worried about it but it seems to be just a quirk, maybe a "babinski reflex" thing!? (Uncle Bob the pediatrician says maybe when she starts wearing shoes it won't be so sensitive - you haven't had a sock on your foot a day of your life yet so maybe I need to start de-sensitizing those tootsies!) and you love to blow raspberries like this too silly girl

You have been crawling since you were 5 months old and didn't learn to sit up very well until after you were crawling- maybe survival for getting away from those big sisters! Your sisters love to come up behind you and pick you up- carrying you all over and squeezing your belly. You don't like this so much and put up a fuss until they put you down.

I think you might be an early walker- you almost stand on your own and cruise along the furniture like a champ

You love to dress up just like your sisters - okay maybe THEY love to dress you up but you are a good sport about wardrobe changes

But you sure love your sisters! Your face lights up when you see them and they make you laugh running around, being crazy and hiding from you. You LOVE your Emmy too and kick-kick your legs and wave your arms until she picks you up- especially in the mornings. Your sisters are your biggest fans - Maisie calls you Sweetie - as in "Oh I'm sorry I dropped you- it's okay sh-weetie" :)

You are a great eater - you have been on formula and big girl food since 6 months and you eat 2 jars of baby food at every meal plus some of whatever we are having. You like Puffs ok but prefer meat, pasta, bread, cookies or anything else you can get your hands on. You drink 6 ounces of Gerber Good Start about 4-5 times a day. As soon as we put you in a high chair you get very demanding for food!

You are FINALLY a good sleeper, it only took the first 5 months of your life for me to figure out you like your own space to sleep- your own crib, lights off, fan on for white noise and no one to bug you. You used to sleep in our room and you were up every hour! But since then you've been sleeping 12 hours and only occasionally get up in the middle of the night for a bottle. You were taking 2 solid naps a day but now you seem to have consolidated them to one looong nap - 3, 4 or 5 hours long! We are not complaining but sometimes you make me turn into that crazy mother who keeps checking on her sleeping kids :) But you wake up happy as a clam after a long nap like that.

You love your dad's arms best of all- it's so cute to see you reach out to him when we are in church or walking around. You are a Daddy's girl for sure

You are a great little traveler and already have 5 countries stamped on your passport - it took me 25 years to do that! You are a seasoned flyer and adapt well to time changes and being on the go.

You have a serious side and sometimes get scared and cling to us like glue - you don't like ot be turned upside down and we think you might be a little scared of dogs and big animals

You don't really like to ham it up for the camera- but Emmy and I are persistent and catch you sometimes

I love you JJ girl!!! I can't wait to watch you over the next 3 months turn into a 1 year old and continue to watch you grow up into a little lady. I predict you will be head strong and know what you want in life. You'll toddle after your older sisters but you won't let them tell you what to do. You'll be funny and like to make everyone laugh I think too. Your Dad predicts you will be be a bit off a goof, kind of like Maisie. :) We are so lucky to have you in our life MaryJane!