
Life back in the real world is crazy. But I love it! Being on vacation in paradise somehow makes me appreciate our hectic, crazy, busy, lovely life even more. Nothing very noteworthy happening - just lots of little stuff making up our busy days!


Maisie and I were little sleepy and cleaned up too many blankets and soft pillows after Maisie woke up throwing up from 2am-4am. We watched some Wonder Pets (weirdest show ever) and drank Pedialyte until she felt better. (She had been telling us last night "Mom- I Don't FEEL well.") She gets extra love and binkies today and has been wearing a band aid on her head to remind us she is sick.

Brian and I worked out together. Oh wait, this might be the most noteable thing all week considering I am too lazy to EVER work out! Heff dragged me to try this Vasper workout designed for NASA he does where they pump cold water through a body suit and helmet while you do intervals on a bike thing. Hummm- exercising, being cold, in the morning = NOT my idea of anything I ever want to do! But I actually liked it and it was fun to do with Heff. And they claim it's like a 2.5 hour workout in 20 minutes and I'm all about efficiency!

I turned the heat up (don't tell my husband to 71)- we had a chminey guy come look at the fireplace and I guess those roaring fires we build (go big or go home remember?) might have cracked something. So no more fires til he fixes it this weekend. I love a warm cozy house and I can still blame the electric bill on Heff's prosciutto chillin' in the wine cellar! But I love the fall weather.

I did some work on menu and playroom stuff at Bumble- it's a challenge to figure out this restaurant business thing! But the Playroom part is fun...

Rashelle (the awesome Director of Brilliant Babies) and I worked on some big changes for the business. BIG! Lots of work ahead but exciting changes too (this picture wasn't from today- last week we all went to play at BB - feels like our old stomping grounds now that we are Los Altos kids!)

I worked on some projects at Academic Trainers and our Clear Choice SAT program - it's awesome for SAT Prep and we are going to be doing some cool things with it! If you know anyone who needs SAT Prep send them over :)

Today I was SO thankful for Emmy, as I am everyday. She is so fun to have here in the mornings and is an A+ champ getting all three girls dressed and out and about on a fun wear-them-out-for-naps excursion. Today they watered trees and collected leaves at the nature preserve, got soaking wet, came home for warm baths and played school after lunch. Emmy is EMAZING and I am so lucky she is my cousin-like-a-sister and that she makes my girls' lives better everyday while Brian and I can get some work done!

Francie paints a rainbow almost every day- glad she likes color as much as I do. I'm considering these as art for our house :) Emmy and Francie were doing "homework" too - love to see the words and things she thinks are most important- mostly "Francie and Emma" of course.

I snuck a nap in while all there girls were fast asleep for the same 2 hour period... it was awesome. (this picture wasn't from today but only sleeping baby pic I had on my phone recently!) Zzzzzzzz.

We framed some family photos to hang on a few photo walls. This has been bugging me forever- blank walls are so boring. It's so hard to pick good family photos but I feel like I cheat when I have Emmy taking these works of art on a daily basis. Now to hang them!

I purged and organized our closets and gave them to a lady I know who sells the "name brand" stuff on eBay and then deposits 50% of it into my paypal account. The rest I donated but I love the no-hassle eBay selling- it's like "free" etsy and online shopping money! and I reorganized our "family closet" and the dot system - much easier after the purge and putting all the summer clothes away to make room for long sleeves and cozy sleepers.

and Brian and I talked about our plans for BUNK BEDS in the girls room! We are all excited about this one and hoping to do some demo this weekend for the build outs. These are my inspiration photos... I love the layout of one and color of the other.

And we are all excited that Kat and Oliver are coming to stay with us this weekend (YAY!) AND Clara is coming over tonight for a much anticipated "cousin sleepover"! Glad the girls all got naps to rest up for a fun night in PJ's cuddled up inside away form the rain. Can't wait to have these two cuties sleeping at our house tonight!

and I actually missed Janie looking at these cute pictures Emmy took (just waited for her edited ones!) since she has turned from the worst sleeper ever to the BEST SLEEPER EVER. She is going form 2 long naps a day to one loooonnnng nap. 4-5 hours at least, today was 11am to almost 5pm. Love this about you my JJ!