Bahamas Vacation

We had a great family getaway to the Bahamas. We managed to turn our phones off for a week (for the most part :) and focus on family in a beautiful spot surrounded with white sand beaches and blue waters. The girls became expert snorkelers, fish sighters, jet ski drivers and sand castle builders. We found some awesome tide pools and sandbars to explore, watched some movies when afternoon storm clouds rolled in and relaxed, relaxed, relaxed. It was really a special trip to take together and we were so lucky to get the time away to experience it together!

rainbows before the clouds - we saw one almost every afternoon

Dad and Francie - she was a Daddy's girl on the trip for sure, they had fun together learning to snorkel and swimming around the boat. She had no fear thanks to having her Dad by her side :)

Snorkling practice in shallow water

In full gear - it's not easy to teach kids they have to walk backwards in fins. But they learn quickly why it's recommended!! (I wasn't so mean as to take pictures of these falls like I did of JJ on the paddle board :)

Maisie preferred to stay dry on land this trip- she is usually really adventurous but she has been having bad dreams about crocodiles so as soon as the water got a little deep and the sand under her feet got "too squishy" she jumped into the nearest set of arms

More jet-skiing- Maisie was happy with this activity as long as she stayed dry :)

Heff giving me a break on "keep Janie entertained" duty so I could play with my camera

My big girl running in the waves

To the Bahamas… and beyond!

watching the kite surfers from the deck before we headed for the beach (well kids not so much watching- more like getting antsy for beach time) We were in a National Park area in the Exumas so we found little sandy beaches to set up camp on after breakfast/lazy mornings most days. We had to get creative on burning off energy too- running the kids around in circles on the boat and Heff and I swam, paddle boarded and ran after kids

Janie spent a lot of time in my arms! It's not easy to keep a busy 8 month old corralled on beach blankets or towels - and she is too wiggly for a carrier right now and just spins herself around while I attempt to hold her but sometimes I am lucky enough for a snuggle or a sleepy baby. (I saw a lady in the store the other day with an infant on her shoulder and for a fleeting second thought "aw I want one!" until I realized I still have one! JJ just seems like such a big girl all the time - I have to remember she's my baby)

Maisie is still my biggest snuggler - (I thought I was my sister in these picture- too bad you didn't sneak on the trip with us ABA!)

J does "How big is Janie?!" trick 24/7 now, especially when I take a picture- for the reaction she knows she will get :)

A new day on the beach - digging with dad

Paddle Boarding sisters

Such big girls in their floaties ;)

and Janie still eating sand

Going on a Treasure Hunt- the boat crew brought costume gear and hid some buried treasure on one of the islands and let the kids be pirates on a treasure hunt

"Where is the pirate?" (and notably the only half hour any of us wore shoes for 7 days!)

We spotted him! (it was one of the guys everyone called "Big Red" from the boat crew- Francie thought it was hilarious and Maisie screamed when he woke up) There was a big "X" in rocks and buried gold coins next to him- they dug them up before I could get a picture

Back on the boat in patriotic bikinis :) They didn't last long under the hot sun and I made they wear "stingray" full body SPF suits that day on the beach. Wonder if they'll agree to that when they are teenagers?! (just realized half my pictures haven't even uploaded- post II coming after with the hot pink stingray full body suits!)

Maisie wanted no part of photos this morning

JJ's first side pony! (haha :)

Francie and Heff taking a break - computer time only long enough to keep our inboxes from getting too scary when we get back :)

Janie crawling around on the boat getting into whatever she could (they did an impressive job baby proofing but she is a sneaky little thing)

Big sister Francie shows up to cart JJ around - the big girls favorite move but Janie is not such a fan when they squeeze the breath out of her!

PJ time burning off some energy - little jumpers

three in a crib and the little one said…

"get me outta here"

Shark watch on the back dock one night. The barracudas and fish were attracted to the light on the back of the boat- I might have spent a good hour with a fishing pole trying to catch a 6 foot nurse shark one night after a few margaritas and pricked my finger to drop a few drips of blood to attrack the shark- Heff was like "a) you are crazy and b) what do you plan to do if you actually get that shark on your line?" good thing I was unsuccessful so didn't have to find out!

chumming with puffs

I swear Francie grew up half a age on this trip. SHe was enamored with one of the girls on the boat- Alicia who was a school teacher so she taught the kids "Boat School" every day. They would run around going "It's time for boat school!" and sit quietly doing projects and reading for an hour. Francie claims she can now speak french :)

and Janie girl in her cute little outfit :) still proves she loves to eat even if it's just chewing on celery! She's on to more real people food now and is pretty good not with only her two crooked little front bottom teeth :)

We're so lucky this guy loves all his girls so much - we love you too Dad!