Days Go By

Days are going by and by around here :) We are getting our first taste of fall weather and trying to slow down a bit (fat chance huh!) but having fun even in the craziness. Emmy has been a rockstar with the girls in the mornings and I have to pull myself away from hanging out with them to check on Bumble! But they usually go to the park then walk down for lunch and we all hang out then go home for naps. Francie loves school but claims now that she has been to 8 days of preschool she is ready for 1st grade. Maisie is talking up a storm and really has a funny sense of humor. Janie is on the move but will sometimes sit and play with toys for a bit - she eats like a teenage boy and loves her bottles.

Dr Cisco had all three for a check up and shots today!

Hilarious Janie - imitates Dad blowing bubbles back in her face

Francie: ready to get checked out after her first time big girl eyesight, hearing and BP tests
She is 44 pounds, 97th height and 95th weight

Maisie: watching her sister who volunteered to go first very closely
She is 29 pounds, 75th height and 50th weight

Janie: looking good at 7.5 months old!
She is 16 pounds, 97th height and 25th weight

fun days at the park - we were the only ones there today in the rain but the creek is back to running water (it never dried up at our house!) and it was a good day for stomping in the puddles

Red Rover, Red Rover…

send Janie right over!

thankful for my girls!!!

some of my favorite Emmy pictures this month