Jen and Zach's Baby Shower

We had a really fun Baby Shower for one of my best friends Jen and her husband Zach on Saturday at my parents house! Jen and Zach flew home for the weekend and their families were both here (Zach's from Texas) and local friends came to celebrate too. It was a fun night - a New Orleans wedding reunion! The ring test and my guess says they are having a girl but we'll have to wait until January to find out!

The cute couple

Jannie's decorations all ready for Halloween

John and Earl at the BBQ making Bloody Mary Skirt Steak from Corralitas Market- YUM

Daddy and the Beezer bonding over beer

Francie and her buddy Eliot- These two were fast friends a year ago at Jen and Zach's wedding shower and jumped right back into their little friendship- so cute!

Big helpers opening presents

Cole took his job very seriously - holding each gift up for everyone to inspect

Oh my Stars- nightowls living it up

Texas fan in the making- boy or girl :)

Jen and Zach are so sweet to my kids and all the kids they know- they are going to be great parents!

JJ found her buddy Kayla who held her for hours in New Orleans at J&Z's wedding!

Great to see all their friends and family

The bikers still going strong

Jannie's cute favors for the kids

Can;t wait to meet your baby Jen and Zach!!!