Red Bluff Hike

We set out on a family hike once the rain stopped- the kids got dirty and wet and loved it. We explored all over the ranch, hiked up and down the trails, saw some cool live and dead animals and stomped in the ponds. It was cold but not so bad- worth it for all the fun!

We parked the cars by the road and piled 19 people in Heff's truck to drive in for the hike

"Let's Go Mom!"

Cute, Sweet Maggie!

and smiling with her brother Aly

How to keep warm in the windy pickup- huddle with your cousins!

Uncle Mark closing the gate behind us (the cowboy way!) and looking very fashionable in the glitter scarf

Ready to explore the hills and ponds

My silly girls

Heading out

Clara didn't like it when she couldn't walk all the way in the pond :)

Maisie trying her best not to wear a hat

Bill was trying to impress the 3-7 year olds shooting cans with Francie's bow

Kids everywhere… we only lost three of them for a short while ;)

Buddies Clara and Maisie

Cute and much happier Clara Marie

Hiking with three attachments

best seat in the house

taking a little quiet time

Maisie too

What a view

Roll down the hill Francie!

"I try! I try!"

Francie convinced her Dad to teach her how to roll

Happy Kid

and of course the happy moments pass quickly with a fit... "But my shirt is coming up and it's windy and EVERYONE can see my belly!" Chill France :)

Dad to the rescue tucking in her shirt

running down the rest of the way

Maisie and Mom self portrait in the wind

or letting Heff take one of us

Pit stop to build a dam

The Heff's at the top of the hill

everybody spreading out as we head back

loading back in the truck- 19 deep!

Uncle Bill bringing home some bones for the kids

Maureen, Andrea and I holding on tight

Contemplating how many people are not wearing seatbelts. Safety first and second!