Weekend Recap

That might be my favorite "sisterly" picture yet! We had a great weekend doing a whole lot of nothing. No real plans all weekend so we hung out at home, downtown, at the park and more at home.

This morning we made it to 9:15 family mass at St Nicholas and then went out to breakfast (my favorite family treat:) at Village Pantry and sat outside in the sun. We worked around the house all day- Heff reinforced our deck that was actually sagging from all the planters! and I snuck out for a relaxing mani/pedi and then tonight we made it out for dinner with Mark, Sarah and Clara at our favorite Indian Restaurant in Mountain View- the girls were kind of monsters so we had a big talk with Francie on the drive home about consequences and punishment. She goes "well you guys- if you give me consequences then I'll just give Maisie consequences right back." Heff said that's not the way the game works and she goes "oh yes it is." She's got the big sister thing down pat- poor Maisie!

We got these cool building tiles (like life size MagnaTiles) and made lots of cool forts - not sure what these faces are about, the girls loved them

We made "Oliver's Cowboy Cookies" that the Doverspikes gave us all for Christmas- just mix butter, an egg and vanilla extract- throw in contents of the jar and you get DELICIOUS cookies! Thanks Oliver :)

We played with the cool new wagon Dad and Francie built- colored the inside like a rainbow and gave Natalie-Emily lots of rides

We had Mark and Baby Clara over for curry dinner Thursday night while Sarah was in Davis - the girls jumped in the bath after and filled it up TOO high but were practicing swimming moves

Oh and forgot to post pics from FINALLY finishing the girls bathroom! I could not decide on wallpaper to save my life. I'm usually quick and easy on decisions but since I knew hanging wallpaper was not a DIY project Heff would engage in or let me do- I knew once this stuff was up there was no changing it. I found this Merimekko "cars" print online, my brother James and I had the same sheets when we were little (I'll have to dig up a picture to show the girls) and since Heff suggested something not-too-girly and kid-friendly it seemed to fit the bill! I think it turned out cute and Maisie loves saying "BUSSS!!! TUCK!!!! CAH!!!!"

Friday afternoon Heff put up his cool new camping tent- it is like a really big, lightweight tipi (only 8 pounds for easy backpacking trips) but has a little wood burning stove that goes in the middle and vents at the top to keep you warm and cozy all night (if that's even possible when camping) The girls were obsessed

pretending to sleep… looks cozy to me right?!

closest I get to a close-up of my three year old

Maisie still looks and says "cheeeeeeeessssseeeee!"

Friday night we made homemade pizzas - (can't even get a pic of Maisie without that cheese face either!) nothing like Jannie's pizzas but not bad. Luckily our neighbors stopped by with bags of take out sushi from our favorite spot downtown so we had a feast and had fun playing with the kids in an impromtu dinner

THEN these two crazies decided to camp out on the deck in the tent! Bundled up (except my crazy husband in shorts) they set up sleeping pads, sleeping bags (Francie was so excited at the thought of it she pushed a stool from the kitchen into her room to try and reach her little red sleeping bad at the top of the closet) and she also insisted on using her "Pillow Pals" from Emily and Lucy for she and her dad-

It was a cold night- they gave up THIS for the freezing cold and sleeping on a deck?! I was cozied up right here with my laptop and DVR… Maisie was smart and cuddled in her crib too

heading out to camp with her Dad, her new Diego book and her milk (might be her three favorite things in life at this point)

They lasted out there reading their books by headlamp and having deep conversations for 45 minutes until Francie announced this was just practice and she was going to sleep inside

and lastly my husband built another set of amazing closet shelving for me! This time in the coat closet in the hallway. Before (just a black hole for stuff to accumulate on the floor)

After: ahh and now to fill it back up with organized art supplies, cleaning stuff and a few coats!

and too many fun pictures from a Saturday afternoon at the park… more of these later!