Closet Makeover

That's a happy wife in her new closet even with a big belly (and feeling way bigger and slowing me down more this time around than ever before. We had our full term appointment today- baby is head down and looks good, technically full term on Friday- but I'm dragging!)

Did you guess the "bunk beds" were our new closet shelves?! When Heff was hunting I reorganized the closet and took the liberty of taking down "part" of the ugly wire shelves- well turns out they were all kind of connected and all my nicely folded clothes came crashing down and the hanging ones stayed that way until my nice husband built me a whole new closet this weekend!

It started like this: (I should have taken ugly wire shelf pics but you know the ones :)

Got my stud-finder mom…

There he is! (hehe ;) the stud in the Mickey Mouse t-shirt he wears because it makes Maisie sooo happy

pretty, good smelling maple wood hand cut and routed by the man in the Mickey shirt

look at that routing for the shelves! I'm impressed :)

I got in trouble for "taking their bunks" when I put my clothes away

and with clothes filling up the space… thanks Heff!!!

custom built around my old dresser I had when I was growing up

dad's side- always gets the smaller side of the closet :)