5 Years Ago Today...

Heff asked me to marry him on January 14, 2006! Wow- was it only five years ago?! Almost 3 kids and lots of memories later… it's fun to think back about what a day that was shared with all of our family and friends. And to look back thanks to all the pictures and blogging ;) Here is part of the post from our wedding website about our proposal and the big party that followed...

Proposed to in camo….

January 14, 2006

Brian and I went up to his friend Greg Weber's ranch to go hunting early Saturday morning... I thought we were going out on the ranch with a bunch of friends, Greg, Tyler and Mary and the Flynn family but as we drove up one by one each friend called to say they weren't going to be able to make it and all of the sudden it was down to just Brian and me (and I was still clueless). We took the 4-wheeler out on the ranch but there has been so much rain we couldn't get across the river to make it up to the hills. Brian had to carry me on his shoulders through waist high rushing water in his jeans (he gave me the dry waders!) and then we hiked up into the cliffs with rifles and shotguns in tow. Looking out on the ranch he got down on his knee, pulled out a ring and asked me to marry him... of course I said yes. :) (The picture above is from a hunting expedition two weeks ago, we didn't have a camera with us Saturday! But you get the idea:)

Then… a Surprise Engagement Party!

When we came down from the hills to head back to his parents house he was trying to convince me to change out of my soaking wet jeans and boots (not to mention the waders and full camo jacket!) but I kept telling him I wasn't that cold and would change after a shower at his parents house. I thought his mom was having a dinner for the "trustees" of their high school over for dinner and was just going to sneak in the side door so I didn't even recognize all the cars in the driveway... he pulled right in front of the house where I was totally shocked to find both of our families and so many of our friends there for a surprise engagement party!

How did he pull this off! Couldn't be much happier :)

It was so special to have so many people who loved us drive up to Red Bluff for the surprise proposal party. My sister flew out from Nashville, my Aunt Marge made the trip from Hollisater with my parents, both my brothers came up for the weekend, Maureen and her girls flew out from Utah, my good friend Janna and her husband and baby James drove up from Brentwood, our friends and neighbors the Ryans were there, Uncle John flew up from SoCal for a few hours, all of my aunts and uncles and their families made the trip… we felt pretty lucky to celebrate such a special occasion with all of them and I was pretty impressed they pulled off this surprise!

Kaky- my god-mother and fell in love with Red Bluff on this trip :)

Baby Ann out from Vandy to join in- I was so shocked she was there!

Our Scrabble Cake Maureen made- when we used to have time to play Scrabble ;)

Newly engaged- and we look so much younger!

with our parents- John, Janet, Claire and Tom

The "Arnerich Girls" Singing an old family song to Mary and Brian (you sure you're ready for this family Brian?!)


I love you Heff! Even more today than five years ago. I'm so lucky I found you to share the camo-hunting, crazy-family, how-many-LLCs-can-we-start, working-together, playing-together, raising-our-girls-together, long-but-full days with. Happy FIVE years since we decided to start our life together!