More Fun in San Francisco

More from our adventures in San Francisco last weekend! Emmy rocks as the best babysitter on the planet :)

We checked into our cool new hotel right on Ghirardelli Square, bundled up and then hung out on the square with friends for a late lunch while Heff went on a run.

I sure can't manage a picture of them from the front and Maisie's skirt might have needed to be rolled a few times so she didn't look Amish/trip on herself. But I got them at Christian's Le Cirque tent sale, they were in her old stash of "vintage" Liberty of London!

my not interested and not looking at the camera girls...

Then we went to play at an indoor kids club near the hotel for a bit with our friends- sweaty Dad met us there after his run :)

The girls found the most fun pushing the baby stroller down the slide at full throttle. I think I am in trouble....

Emmy met us there after work (she is working in SF a few days a week- what a city girl!) and we had fun at the indoor play place and then terrorizing the hotel room

and she even took some decent pictures of my little monsters since I have been striking out

what monsters?

ok maybe not all the time

and Emmy babysat for us while we had a night on the town at Brady & Kristen's fun wedding

attempts at a family photo... call these the outtakes, but oh wait there might not have been a single good one (totally our fault, not Emmy's :)

Maisie got a little upset (for 2 whole minutes) when we left but Francie was watching for us from the window- Heff told her to look by the ATM while we stopped on our way out :)

Emmy's babysitting fun on the sqaure! the girls in the cute new hats emmy got them. They went across the street to the beach to watch the boats and shopped around- too much fun.

Emmy's Full Service Babysitting Service includes showers before PJ's of course!

and chocolate milk in bed with a little Mickey (I warned Emmy, Francie watches and LOVES Mickey's Clubhouse, Olivia, SuperWhy or Little Einsteins. We tried to venture out to some random cartoon with little mice running around to french music and while Heff and I were busy filling our "TV babysitter" time we turned around to see Francie quietly bawling her eyes out next to the couch! "Daddy the mouse ran off and lost it's mother!" which apparently doesn't happen in the four benign shows mentioned above so we'll stick to those! Mickey only runs off from "uncles" so we're good)

Saturday morning ready to hit the streets!

someone pointed out today their eyes are exactly the same color right now- you can tell in this picture! Mine are Hazel, Heff's are blueish-green so I think they got the green gene

not sure about those teeth genes though.
Francie's = straight. Maisie's = snaggle.

and they're done.