Francie's Birthday Party

Saturday morning we had a little party for Francie at the Nature Preserve behind our house. We had a bunch of family in town for the weekend so the year that started as "maybe we won't do a party this year" became a "little family party" and then seeing friends out and about lead to an old fashioned family and friends fiesta. It was a mellow morning in the Redwoods with some snacks, balloons, bubbles, face paint and a huge pinata. Francie loved it and Heff and I enjoyed ourselves since it wasn't even at our house! Oma, Kat and Donald were staying with us and a huge help getting everything ready and carting things down to the picnic area. It was a fun day I think Francie will remember- or at least look at the 390 pictures and pretend to remember :)

The "theme" of Francie's birthday party? Well I ordered some full size tissue paper wholesale- and had to get 2,500 minimum sheets of each color. It was CHEAP but also meant I am now the proud owner of 30,000 sheets of tissue paper. My husband loves me :) So we went with a bright-colored-tissue-paper-inspired party with a hint of Minnie Mouse here and there

Setting Up

Donald and I were the last ones up and paper-mached this huge balloon the kids had been playing with at 1am- nothing like a little late night art project :)

thanks for all the help Kat and Donald (and risking the 4 hour drive 14 days before your due date Kat!)

playing at the party

Francie's guests

little blurry family shot

Cat sweetly offered to bring the face painting supplies she got for Chella's birthday- and her painting services... She was an awesome Face Painter!

Francie's favorite thing ever

PINATA time! Heff and Francie picked this gorgeous pinata at a little market in Redwood City. Way to reuse Minnie paper plates and party hats whoever made $15 on this thing!

first go

it took some rippin'

and there it goes!!

pretty happy about it!

singing happy birthday and the awesome Minnie Mouse cupcakes by Allison! (three fancy flavors- they were delish!)

proud dad :)

letting the kids go hog wild with red frosting. My white jeans will never be the same

Simos (where was Jannie!?)

good thing ABA was here so I could enlist her help to clean up

ABA and Emmy photoshooting with my poofs. Awky ABA

only family picture we managed was while cleaning up

Francie was about ready for a nap by then. Grumpy slowly but conveniently placed the balloons in front of her face...

oh well- she's three!

Happy Third Birthday MaryFrances!!! We love you.