Emma's Hope Musical

This morning we went to Emma's Hope Musical summer camp "day of the show." This year they performed The Sound of Music and Emma played Brigitta- one of the VonTrapp kids! We sat in the back but Francie sat enthralled on the edge of her seat holding the flowers she had picked almost the whole time. Maisie lasted an hour on my lap (watching only when they sang!), climbing in chairs and trying to escape down the isle. We went to LuLu's for lunch after the show and got to catch up with our very much missed neighbors!

Arriving at the theater - Francie was sooo excited to see a "real" show

The performance (from the second to last row :)

LuLu's lunch crew

Francie thinks she is such a big kid around this crowd

after a long lunch in the sun (and Maisie taking a short siesta on my shoulder) we headed home for real naps. Francie BETTER not be transitioning out of naptime- it's my saving grace! But a couple days in Black Butte she went the whole day without a nap- one day coming out of the room WITH Maisie (who she somehow managed to get over and out of the pack and play) saying "Hey guys- look who I found!" and when I asked her if she napped she said "No. I was just too busy."

So it's a struggle but she usually still gives in pretty easily if we catch the 3-6pm window and I (with my "mole arm" of course) lay down with her for a while. Here was the view from nap time today when she took over my iPhone

Silly Little Stinker