Week in review

We had a busy week and I haven't even blogged! About to finally upload a week's worth of pictures from my camera but here are my random iPhone pics from our week. I know, sooo exciting :)

MONDAY: Sushi date with Maisie and Heff Monday night while Francie had a SLEEPOVER at Jannie and Grampa's! She was soo excited and Maisie was really cute to get some one on one time with :)

TUESDAY: Curious George story time at PBK at the mall- brave mall workers gave out stickers, tattoos and PENS for kids to color

WEDNESDAY: Jannie called me about to faint after she cut her pinky finger badly on a knife (trying to get a melted candle out of a glass jar- glass broke and knife went through her finger, ouch!) I was meeting my friend Emily for lunch who lives in Menlo and was 20 minutes away when Jannie called about to pass out so Emily went over there to help her and we all took her to Urgent Care, dropped her off, had lunch and picked her up and hour and four stitches later! Francie said "WHOAH." when she saw the stitches

THURSDAY: Back to the new sushi place (twice in one week!) with Jannie on Thursday night while Grampa had a partner's meeting.

and then Baskin Robbins for dessert! (scene of the crime for the banana split :)

FRIDAY: Side Pony with the Mickey scrunchy Allison gave Francie - she thinks shes looking pretty good with sparkly Mickey's on her head!

and heading home from a busy day at Brilliant Babies with all of their favorite friends