8-9-10 Ranch Party

Our friends got married on 5-6-7 and have a party every year to celebrate the 13 months later on the next consecutive date. So this year we went over to the coast for a Ranch Party on 8-9-10! (or 8-8-10, it was the closest weekend day :) The girls ran around getting facepaint, doing art projects, playing arcade games, watching trapeze artists and chasing baby animals in the petting zoo. The family picture above would have been cute for a christmas card without the hello kitty white face on Francie!

does this hat go with my binky?

they had a really fun family style dinner set up with cornbread, ribs, hanger steaks and authentic ranch-esq food

Francie fell asleep literally 7 minutes before we got to the party... Heff laid her down on a couch and threw some horse blankets on her. Just like she used to do at a party when she was a baby and we had to put a "don't sit on me!" sign on her!

we had to wake her up to play after awhile- she had a serious "where the heck am I!?" look on her face


Facepaint! Francie's favorite thing. She picked a full faced Hello Kitty of course. We were cracking up watching her trying to keep her eyes closed without squinting. She takes it very seriously :)

pretty happy with it

Maisie wanted a turn of course- she got some flowers on her face since I still get to pick hers :) (actually Heff did this time, good choice dad)

trapeze artist (not a chance she was going on the high rise although there were some 2/3 year olds who did it!)

Maisie not into photos

but willing to show off her new sommersault skills whenever she finds soft ground (walk your feet Maise! Jannie taught her how to do it!)

Chris and Emily!

petting the newest black baby cow orphaned on the ranch (Francie still talks about the first one she met named Rocky, then next time we visited it was Revlon... this one needs a good name!)

won't leave the baby animals... but the fog and mist rolled in so we rolled out!