Giant's Game

Tuesday night Heff bravely took both girls to the SF Giants game to meet two other Red Bluff dads and their kids for a night game at the Park. Not only was he crazy enough to insist both girls should go- he took them on the train there and back without a stroller or anything! They left at 5 and he dressed them and packed them up himself since they were still napping when I ran out for some errands... good work on the matching outfits and warm enough clothes Heff! He said the girls were troopers, especially since they missed the train to come home by 4 minutes and didn't make it home until after midnight- both girls still awake!

I love that he is so good about taking the girls on adventures :)

they had bleacher seats and it was a pretty rowdy crowd so Heff and the girls walked around the kids fun zone, hit some balls in the little diamond and played around. They got hot dogs and lots of treats

Heff had to carry BOTH girls around everywhere besides the play zone since it was a crowded game- his poor arms were so sore the next day!

and Francie had way too much fun hanging out with her new BFF- she was so sweet with Francie

waiting for the train at the station for almost an HOUR (they changed the schedule from on the hour to 20 'til trains at night!) and the end of game train that leaves 15 min after the last out ended up being the same time as the 10:40 train anyway. To make it worse they got on the non-express train that stopped at every single station and took twice as long! But while they were waiting at the station they ran into Uncle James there to meet emily coming up on the train from her Dailey Method class!