The Main Event... Go Big Jerry Go!

My Uncle Jerry is playing in the 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker Tournament right now! I am soo jealous and wish I was in Vegas watching. Uncle Jerry is a poker shark and won a spot in the biggest tournament in poker this year (he bought in last year with big winnings from a smaller tournament.) He has had a great year making the money in three tournaments this year.

My Uncle John is sending updates since the tournament is still so big they aren't posting updatesonline for all the players- just the pro's.

So this is the excitement I get in my inbox:

"At the second break: Uncle Jerry is hanging steady with 30,150 chips.

In one hand, he had pocket Aces. He bet three times the big blind and FIVE people called. He didn't get the raise that he was hoping for so that he could come back with a BIG re-raise. But the flop came 6,7,8 all hearts (unfortunately, neither of his aces was a heart). Nobody bet the flop. Another heart came on the turn. No bets. Another heart on the river. No bets, but one of the players turned over the King of hearts for the winning high flush. Jerry is lucky (and good) not to have lost more on that hand with pocket aces.

Stay tuned for the dinner break in two hours..."


"Jerry started the last session at $30,150. Early on in the session he was down to about $27,000. Then he had pocket Queens and bet $2700. Another player went all-in and raised Jerry another $7500. Jerry called. His opponent had Ace, Jack. No Aces came (or anything else that could beat his Queens), so Jerry won and that put him up to about $40K.

He dropped down a bit and then he had the following hand near the end of the session.

Jerry was dealt Queen and Jack of Clubs in the Big Blind which was $300 during this session. Three others bet the $300 and Jerry went to the flop with them. The Flop came King of clubs, Queen of spades and 10 of clubs. So Jerry was holding two Queens and was drawing to the Royal Flush! He was first to act and he bet $1400. The next player folded, but the next guy raised him another $1600 to $3000. The fourth guy called the $3K. Just while this is going on, a famous pro Allen Cunningham is moving to Jerry's table and ESPN cameras show up. Lots of commotion and Jerry is trying to concentrate on an extremely important hand. Jerry calls the raise. He figures that the raiser has at least two Kings, but Jerry has a great drawing hand. The Turn card is the Jack of diamonds. This gives Jerry two pair (Queens and Jacks), but if one of the other two guys has an Ace or a 9, then they have a straight. Jerry checks. If one of these guys bets big, Jerry is most likely going to have to call with his great drawing hand. But the other two guys also check. Phew! The River card is the 4 of clubs. Jerry made a King high flush! If someone had an Ace of clubs with another club, Jerry would be beat. But they probably would have bet that hand on the Turn with a straight. Jerry bet $4600 and the other two guys folded. Yee haw!!

He is up to a little over $48,000 in chips at the dinner break. Go Big Jer go!!"


"Jerry is still at a little over $48,000. He said that the last couple hours were pretty uneventful for him - and that's just fine. He will have a final session for today of about an hour and then come back on Saturday.

This year's Main Event is the second largest live tournament in history behind only the 2006 WSOP Main Event. 7,319 total players and First Place pays $8,944,138. In all, 747 players will be paid."

Here's hoping the cards fall in his favor and his expert poker playing skills are at their best! Jannie sent Uncle Jerry a poem for good luck...

Dear Uncle Jerry

With your lucky chip of blue

As you take this famous poker ride

We have a wish for you.....

May the cards fall for you

May luck be always by your side

Play well, have fun, hold your chin a little higher

And until we meet a-gin

May you WIN, WIN, WIN!