18 Kids and Counting...

...at the Heffernan Family Reunion this year! We've been up at Black Butte Ranch in Oregon having a blast at the great big annual gathering of Heffs. They have all been coming every year for 10 years now (my sixth trip- I came with Brian right after we met) and there were only a handful of kids when I came for the first time but this year we have 18 under 8 years- It's crazy but soooo much fun. The pic above was from the first night when we broke out the reunion and 13 out of 18 might be as close as we get to photographic evidence of all children awake and at the same place at the same time. 13 of them are under five years old and there are 2 more on the way.

This is the almost nightly dinner and hanging out scene at Opa Bob and LaLa (Aunt Francy's) house. They host us all and dinner duty rotates. This kids have fun in the dirt, on the swings, in the sandbox, on the trikes and then settling in for a movie in the new rec room while the adults sit around to eat and drink

Waiting turns at the swings

Francie pants in her element with all the big girls to follow around (she told them she was five)

and Maisie is just happy toddling around and finding someone to pick her up (aka Mom, Dad or Jannie)

my little godson Thomas- the youngest baby

couldn't resist taking pictures of him

Izza-Bizza who turns THREE on Friday! (no resemblance to her brother in the picture above is there??)

Cousin Ellie and Kate (who just moved back to CA for GOOD!) They are so good with the little kids and we are so happy they are back for ALL the family functions :)

just a few pics from the first night... I have so much to post!!