The Big Show

The last day of nature camp was a "show" the kids put on and invited all the parents to come watch. It was the cutest thing ever :) Francie was an "explorer" and her group went after the older 4-5 year olds. They all got up on the little stage and did two songs- then one big all camp song at the end. Francie was doing all the hand motions and standing with her toes on the edge of the stage- Heff voted her most likely to fall off which she narrowly avoided. It was fun to see her with her friends being a big camp girl!

kids on the tarps listening to "Scooby" give instructions before the show

Jannie and Grampa waiting for the action to start (grampa 48 hours after knee surgery!)

Francie with her big kid friends - not even shy about it!

she saw us and yelled "HI GRAMPA!!!"

the counselors "Meatballs" and "Tree" start the song and dance

hand motion queen

all the little campers

proud daddy

"hi mom, just hanging with my friends"

Maisie was so proud of her sister!

awww- we all were proud of you Francie!