Gilroy Gardens

We had a wide open day Tuesday (and I was feeling like I had a new lease on life after a serious migraine that lasted Saturday night until Monday night- never really had one before that had vision blurs and everything- it was no joke!) so we texted Jannie in the morning to see if she wanted to do something fun with us for the day after she took care of me and the girls all day Monday since I was so worthless, thanks Jannie! We decided to go to Gilroy Gardens- it's a little amusement park with rides, games, shows, etc. I'd heard it was really fun for kids (and clean!) so we made the 40 minute trek down 101 and were surprised how nice it was. The girls could go on a lot of the rides and the park was big but not too huge. We walked the whole thing twice and still have plenty of rides to try if we go again. It helped to go on a Tuesday morning too- hardly any lines.


off to the races

our first ride of the day- the carousel. Maisie could not get to the other side of the fence fast enough

what a big girl

we sent this pic to dad (and the blog- Jannie couldn't figure out how Aunt Mimi knew we were at Gilroy Gardens WHILE we were there!)

Jannie rode too

while we ate lunch at the Taqueria there was a show with talking vegetables and the star of the show- Mr Gilroy Garlic! a little weird but they didn't care :)

next stop- the giant duck/swan/mallad paddle boats in the middle of the park on a pond! There are nice waterfalls and rivers all over the place. Jannie and I had to laugh when one guy walked by the man-made waterfall feature and goes "wow- you just don't see beauty like that many places."

Lifevested up

Jannie and Francie paddling to the waterfalls!

I had to keep a death grip on Maisie's hand the whole time since the only way she could ride was to sit by herself in the seat next to me (no laps and no more than 2 to a boat) and there was NO WAY she wasn't going on this ride! She was good and sat still the whole time taking it all in- then fell asleep at the end!

Francie was the "steerer" and Jannies was the peddler

Sharkie and her sister won a sharkie in the shark races

water feature number one- didn't last long when a 4-5 year old kinda mean girl running around with no shirt on basically hauled off and hit Francie! on to the next...

just whizzing by on the firetrucks

and the BIG water park playground- Francie wanted a bathing suit but her sisters 12m leggings and her undershirt worked just as well. SHe was off and running while Jannie and I sat in the shade with Maisie while she napped

then Francie wanted to try the giant slide but you had to climb up to the top of this thing with all the big kids. She got up there fine but then wasn't so sure about how this "waiting in line thing" worked and kept getting cut (which didn't bother her at all)

finally she made her way DOWN the slide! Fun day- thanks for coming with us Jannie!