Redwood Grove Nature Camp

Francie is having a ball at Nature Camp! This is really the first time she has ever gone anywhere all by herself besides Brilliant Babies and I was wondering how she would do but she can't get enough of it. She goes every day from 9:30-12:30 and has learned about omnivores, carnivores, recycling and hexagons (not sure how that last one fits in there but oh well) Her BFF Marcella (Chella) goes too and they are two peas in a pod. Cella's mom Cat and I take the baby sisters to breakfast downtown after camp and do a little shopping or get stuff done around the house before pick up. I could get used to this schedule!

Francie on the first day of camp with her lunch box from Aunt Kaky.

We walk the wagon down the hill every morning for drop-off (a whole 2 minute walk- most of the parents have to park farther down the street than our house, talk about convenient!)

Camp T-shirts for all the Explorers and Adventurers

Maisie Shark - you'll get to go someday too

Pick up time. Francie showed off her veggie paint drawing to Maisie and was pretty proud of herself!