
My laptop is full. Too many photos! So it won't let me upload anymore... working on backing up and clearing it off but in the meantime here is a photo Emmy took of her goddaughter last night at Seascape. We went down for a potluck with the fam- Emmy won a three night staycation at the resort in a contest! The girls had a blast swimming with grampa in the 60 degree foggy chill, playing on the playground and entertaining their cousins.

and here is Connor's new profile pic :) He carried Maisie over to see some doggies and walked back up the hill saying "I feel like I am being judged by all you girls on how I hold a baby. This feels so awkward!" of course we were all making fun of him so he wasn't that far off :) and then I shoved her over for another picture after he gave her back to me. Love you Con!