Thursday Night Dinner

Last Thursday night (sick sleeping babies gives me time to catch up on blogging at least) Brian's cousin Casey Heffernan and his girlfriend Jenna were on a road trip from WA to SoCal after Casey's graduation so they stopped in to stay overnight with us. It's so nice to finally have a guest room for times like these :) We had the Sakai family over for dinner Thursday night too so we walked down to the Framer's Market before Casey and Jenna arrived and filled the kids up on giant strawberries. We BBQ'ed back at home and caught up with the recent grads and their big plans for the future. It was a fun night at home with friends and family!

Walking the Farmer's Market

messy eaters Francie and her buddy Ryan

not the best background of the Safeway parking lot (Dad's were getting cold beers :)

Strawberry Face

Baby Ryan the Lion is not a baby anymore!

and Heather is having another baby boy in a few weeks- she looks great! Beers and food in the wagon- kids got booted out

Rub-a-dub-dub three kids in a tub

sometimes it's hard to be a shark

and bedtime stories by Jenna- the girls loved her