
Monday afternoon my crazy husband called me from work and said he really wanted to take the girls camping... tonight! He was all fired up to head out to the Portola Redwoods where he has camped with Francie before but he wanted to take both girls this time. He even gave me a hall pass to stay home but I decided it sorta-kinda sounded fun so I rallied and packed up some snacks and warm clothes and Heff packed up all the camping essentials. 

Stopping at Safeway for beers and ice! 

arriving at Portola Redwoods after we found our campsite (and I realized I brought my camera without the card! iPhone pics are all I got :)

Maisie in her camp chair and new-hand-me-down cool boots

Big helpers. Heff setting up our tent (his new fancy four man hunting tent- we all fit but I'm not sure how having two others who don't weigh under 35 pounds would work!)

snacks on the picnic table. most road trip staples except the crunchy Cheeto's I couldn't resist from the safeway run!

hot dogs on a stick for the girl's dinner

yummmmmy. Francie was very intent on managing the fire. and alerted us "PARK RANGER!!" every time the truck drove by down the road

always fun to play in the dirt

what a great dad. I love that he was willing to take these girls to the middle of nature by himself to sleep overnight! But I was glad I went :)

Shark sized chair!


waking up early Tuesday morning in our little family tent

"WHY did you guys make me sleep out here all night?!?"


right back in her boots (she loves shoes and always tries her hardest to put them on herself)

a little morning scoot while dad packs the provisions away

BIG stuff

just hanging out (poor Maisie was a good sport for a camping 13 month old BUT she got carsick on the 45 minute/15 mile really windy drive home and puked twice! Her eyes were all glazed over and I knew it was coming... then Francie almost puked smelling it! We were a scene on the side of the road half way home)

headed home.  I look tired!! (Maisie kept smacking me and I was worried she was too hot/too cold all night so I was wide awake until 4:30am. a little out of my element without wireless internet or words with friends to zone me back to sleep!! But it was fun and I'm glad I was invited to tag along. Heff says that is all he wanted for Father's Day- for me to come camping and maybe even actually enjoy it! (or just fake it really well :)