Is She 12?

Sometimes she acts like it!

Francie is cracking us up lately. Yesterday she came in my bed at 7:15am right and goes "MOM- Dad left without me and I wanted to go to work today!" I told her maybe he was still in the family room on his computer and to go check (figuring I could buy myself a few more minutes of sleep) and she pounds through the house, comes back 5 minutes later and says "He is NOT here and even his truck is not in the driveway." (wow- she unlocked the front door and went to check!) so I told her to call him. She knows how to call my favorites on my iPhone and then convinced Heff to come back and get her!! Pushover :) He was already almost to his office. What a lucky girl.

waiting for her daddy

she got dressed herself and insisted on wearing a "pretty scarf" (my pashmina)

and packed her Francie purse with snacks... including a lemon

she jumped up and down when she heard the Diesel engine... this is her whole world right now, little Daddy's girl!

Just lounging around eating pirate's booty.

and this week Heff and I were asking her about her day at dinner and asked about a new person (let's be vague about this one!) she met and how she was and Francie goes... "she was fine." we said "fine? I think she is very nice" and Francie goes "wellll.... she's a little.... awkward." Heff had to explain to her that was not a very nice thing to say about people!