Park Play

The past two days we have loaded up in our new green wagon and hit up Shoup Park around lunch time. Yesterday we ran into one of our old neighbors there and played with her two cute kids over lunch- then today we arrived just as our friends Lindsey, Isaac and Wyatt were getting there for a picnic lunch! Here I was worried we wouldn't see as much of our Menlo friends and we've seen them more often than when we lived in Menlo! We had fun hanging out at the park in this sunny weather with friends...

Buddies Francie and Isaac

and Buddies-to-be Wyatt and Maisie

Maisie just hanging out with her big girl sippy

big kids

soccer game. Isaac is the most coordinated kid ever- hope some of it rubs off on mine!

and yesterday after the park Emily meet us to walk downtown for lunch at a mexican restaurant- afterall it was Cinco de Mayo, hence the margaritas at lunch! This funny little boy kept taking pictures of us on his mom's iPhone (who is the paparazzi now?!) and then told me I should have been holding maisie's hand when she fell down. Ok kid- back to your own table :)