Sunday Night Dinner

Okay so I am a WEEK behind and this was last Sunday but we had my whole family (missed you Baby Ann!), Mark, Sarah, Clara and our honorary family member Christian over for dinner last Sunday night for our first big family dinner.

Allison and Francie reading in the front window

and yes I am a huge dork (and had nothing else to do) so I organized the books in their temporary holding place by color.

as soon as Jerry and Allison got there in the early afternoon to check out the house- we made Jerry my very talented audio-visually inclined brother go to Best Buy with us for a new TV and receiver- the house has speakers everywhere built in we had no idea what to do with. Thanks Jer! He had it all working perfectly by the time he left.

Francie LOOOVES Awoo! Thanks for reading

Aunt Sarah and Clara down by the creek- notice the makeshift plywood gate until we baby/dog proof :)

Maisie tugging up her pants ready to jump in the water!


Christian and Em

Heff, his brother Mark and Aunt Sarah on the patio- more plywood gate serves as a seat

My dad getting creative with his BBQ skills and cooking prime steaks on our fire pit!

The BBQ men

Jerry with his godbaby

fun night with the fam :)

and late night s'mores!!! We are 2 blocks from downtown and ran out to the grocery store for provisions once we realized the firepit was going to be smoldering all night

Awoo and Heff

Christian and Mare
