Playhouse Relocation

Well we sold our house- now time to move the playhouse! Yup- after all that work getting it settled in a whole TEN months ago we had to get it back out the same way it went in. There isn't a great spot for it in the new house so we decided it would find a good home up in Red Bluff at Claire and Tom's. When I told Francie we were going back to the house to meet some guys about moving the playhouse she said "But Mom, it's like pretty glued down." Yes it was...

NOT happy when the hacksaw came out and it actually started coming down

"Dad put that back up!"

still mad

Whatever Francie ;)

Dad's helper- she came around to the destruction once the powertools came out

hey where did my playhouse go?

top off!

Francie said "hey it looks like a perfect little dog house now!"

the playhouse moving time was a great excuse to see EMMA!

and there it goes- ready for the flatbed truck to pick it up and drive it north!

I have to get the arrival pics from Dad's phone- he and Francie drove up to Red Bluff for the DAY to get it settled in. Kat and Donald called us Friday night to tell us they saw it in the freeway in Williams!! Better than GPS tracking :)