Work, Play, Pack

Thursday we had a busy day- the girls came with me to a meeting (always productive and professional :) and behaved themselves fairly well so we had a Shoup Park playdate afterward with a picnic lunch and creek stomping. They tired themselves out so we walked home for naps- Maisie went right down, even with bathroom remodeling going on on the other side of her door. Francie wasn't quite ready for her usual 3/4pm-ish nap and pleaded to watch "Olivia"- I gave in so I could pack. 2.5 Olivia's later (what's up with the 22 minute shows when you DVR them!) we were packed and headed out the door to meet dad... I think I left the house in shambles.

If she knew any swear words she definitely would have been cursing trying to put these boots on - maybe cursed with sweaty feet like her mom!?

snack break. ummm, tomatoes

all done