
We love walking to the park lately in our new green wagon and walking around downtown. It is so fun to get to know our "new town" :) I have lived in Menlo Park almost my whole life (except four years in Virginia for college) and even though we are only two "towns" away now- a whopping six miles from downtown Menlo- it feels like a whole new experience. New grocery store, restaurants, parks, library, walking trails, having to put your own house in the NAV sometimes to get home from San Jose! We went to mass for the first time Sunday at our new church, it is only a block from our front door, no excuses to be late! We hear the church bells every Sunday to start each mass too so no excuses not to go either :) We are loving our life in Los Altos.

I took this pic w my camera phone driving in for the first time with a load of stuff in the car- I know- dork!

Back to the park... "Hummm- someone left there hot motorcycle ride here... how do I look?"

Francie insisted on a "high pony tails" today

Maisie showing some leg on the playground

Dad would NOT approve!

getting too cocky- down she goes!

Francie made friends with the kids flying the helicopter of course

Francie downtown for lunch

Maisie is happy along for the ride